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2024-2025 Religious School Calendar

Religious School

Mission statement

Congregation Or Ami holds that Jewish learning and participation in Jewish religious and cultural life are essential to forming a solid Jewish identity. Therefore, the Or Ami Religious School is dedicated to educating Jewish youth who will:

  • See Judaism as a positive and meaningful framework for their lives
  • Express their Judaism through ethical behavior, ritual participation, and social action
  • View their Jewish education as a life-long process
  • Involve themselves with their Jewish community both locally and globally


Statement of intent

We intend that our Religious School, in partnership with families and the entire synagogue community, will significantly contribute to the learning, growth and maturation of Jews who:

  • Express pride in their Jewish heritage, understand and practice Jewish traditions, and can transmit knowledge of and enthusiasm for Judaism.

  • Can articulate different ways Jews have conceptualized God throughout history, and affirm and act upon a personal perspective of God and spirituality.

  • Can describe the mitzvot which guide Jewish behavior, knowledgeably evaluate them for contemporary life, and commit themselves to live by these values both in their daily lives and on significant occasions.

  • Understand the reasons for the rituals and customs associated with Shabbat, the Jewish holy days and life-cycle events and observe these occasions appropriately in the synagogue and at home.

  • Enthusiastically participate in and support the life of the synagogue, the Jewish community, and the community.

  • Appreciate the nature of t'filah[1] (what it is and why we pray), know the structure and contents of the prayer book, and comfortably participate in t'filah with kavanah[2].

  • Understand the significance of Hebrew as the sacred language of Jewish tradition and the Jewish people, and use it appropriately during synagogue worship and home celebrations.

  • Understand the basis of Reform Judaism and appreciate all forms of Jewish religious expression.

  • See themselves as important links in the chain of Am Yisrael[3] for whom the Jewish people's history and current condition is familiar, meaningful and central.

  • Affirm their historic bond to Eretz Yisrael, visit Israel, and work for its well-being.

[1] T'filah = prayer or worship
[2] Kavannah = intention or devotion
[3] Am Yisrael = People of Israel, historically

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Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785