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We Need You!

Our committees are a great way to meet congregants and support the synagogue and community. Learn about our committees and join today.

Congregation Or Ami Social Action Committee (COASAC)

COASAC (formerly COATZ) was established for members to take part in the journey of tikkun olam, repairing the world. Together through various projects, we can take these steps towards social action. Examples: donate to the different projects, volunteer to help, suggest other ways that we can get involved in social action projects.

Early Childhood Education Center Committee

This committee will work cooperatively, within the structure of the ECE Center, to enhance educational programming and policies and encourage its continued development and growth in order to support the school in achieving its greatest potential. This is open to ECEC parents only.

Early Childhood Education Center Parent Teacher Organization (ECEC PTO)

Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child’s school experiences. The PTO organizes fundraisers to support the classroom teachers, funds purchases for the school and underwrites special programs to enrich the children’s school experiences. All parents are welcome.

Brotherhood and Sisterhood

Brotherhood and Sisterhood enable the men and women of our community to develop and strengthen friendships with other members, learn new skills, and “do good” for friends and strangers alike.


If you have an understanding of accounting or a background in finance please consider joining the finance committee. Responsibilities include monitoring and review of the synagogue’s financial status and preparation of the budget. Meetings are on an as needed basis.

Fine Arts/Beautification Committee

The committee oversees all synagogue matters related to the fine arts and beautification of the synagogue building. The FAC is charged with making sure that artistic decisions meet the highest standards of quality; preserving an aesthetically pleasing and dignified environment; and creating a consistent, complementary style throughout the building.

House Committee

Committee members will work with building staff and vendors when building and property repairs are needed and improvements are in progress. Members will also help source general supplies, potential contractors and building recommendations.


This committee has the purpose of supporting existing congregants, cultivating new relationships within the community and supporting the members of the congregation office staff with any events, outreach and support members may ask or require at any time.

Mitzvah Corps

Mitzvah Corps was established to provide emotional support to members of the Or Ami community during times of personal crisis or emotional need. It is our belief that comfort from others can ease pain and promote healing. 

How congregants can get involved:

  • If you know of someone who needs help, let Rabbi Ettman, Deb Delano Brenner and the President/s of the congregation know who is in need.

  • Make meals for members in times of need

  • Help out at a shiva

  • Make phone calls to members who are in need of a “lift”

  • Provide local transportation to members in need.


This committee organizes programming for the congregation including adult programs, family programs and fundraising programs. They work with leadership to plan different types of activities throughout the year.

Religious Observance Committee (ROC)

The committee is charged with partnering with our rabbi and cantor regarding religious services - everything from Shabbat services to High Holy Day services and all the holidays in between.  We help with organizing honors and readings for the High Holidays to arranging ushers for these services as well as for B'nai mitzvah services. We help with Purim celebrations, the community Passover seder, Sukkot and Simchat Torah services.

Religious School Committee

The Religious School Committee is composed of parents, teachers and the religious school director who meet to discuss religious school direction, specifics and any issues or concerns that arise during the religious school calendar year. It’s a committee that focuses on strengthening Or Ami’s program/offerings, fostering community within the school and retention of students as they cross over programs within the synagogue. Committee members are asked to attend quarterly meetings to voice their opinions on religious school matters.

Religious School Parent Organization (RSPO)

We organize, plan and hold fun Jewish events and programs for the children of the Religious School. We create fundraisers and mitzvah projects, while supporting our director, rabbi, teachers and staff.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785