Welcome to Congregation Or Ami
Congregation Or Ami is a dynamic Reform synagogue and the center of Jewish life in the Lafayette Hill area. We foster meaningful experiences through lifelong education, spiritual worship, social action and acts of loving kindness. We believe in transforming our tomorrow by inspiring and supporting an inclusive and diverse congregation. With links to our past and an imaginative and contemporary eye towards the future, we practice Judaism filled with compassion, love, music and joy. Our connected congregation shines an innovative light on our Jewish traditions as we support each other through life’s most significant moments.
Rabbi Glenn Ettman Welcomes You
Welcome to Or Ami! In whatever form or fashion you have come to this community, I welcome you with open arms, a listening ear, and a welcoming spirit. I have heard many times recently that people crave community. Or Ami is committed to creating community. It has been our mission for the past 75 years and will continue to be as we move forward.
New Mobile App
Now you can easily access Congregation Or Ami on the go! We have partnered with ShulCloud to offer a mobile app that connects you to the calendar of events, most requested pages and features from the Or Ami website, all at your fingertips! You can register and pay for events, contact other members, make donations, and more. The app works for both iPhone and Android devices. Download it wherever you get your apps on your phone. Watch a quick video tutorial here. |
Tree of Life Revitalized and Holiday Wine from Israel
Please consider honoring your simchas, milestones, or memorials by purchasing a handmade unique leaf on our Tree of Life. Follow this link to donate today.
Support Israel by purchasing Israeli wines at Or Ami gift shop!
- Merlot, Rioja, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Teal Lake Shiraz (not Israeli), Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio $18.00
- Emerald-Riesling $16.00 Moscato $19.00
- Concord Grape $10.00
Also available: Seder/matzah plates, Haggadot, matzah holders, kids plates and games and so much more. Free delivery is available. For questions or to order for delivery, contact Rachel.
Upcoming Special Events
For more information about our upcoming events, please visit our calendar and click on the specific date for details.
Join Us For Shabbat Worship and Study Opportunities
Torah Study
Virtual only
Torah Study is open to everyone, focusing on parashat hashavua (the weekly portion) while exploring what the text can mean to us as modern 21st-century Reform Jews. No experience is necessary! Drop in anytime or attend weekly.
Join Study
Shabbat Morning Music and Meditations
Join via Facebook
Rent Our Beautiful Renovated Facility
Read about our newly renovated social hall in the Jewish Exponent here! For rental information, contact Scott Allen, Executive Director at scotta@or-ami.org.